
News from the German polo sport

Sep 2, 2024

German High Goal Championship 2024

August 23rd to September 1st 2024
Preußischer Polo-& Country Club Berlin Brandenburg e.V

Clarissa Marggraf 0
Nico Wollenberg +1
Max Bosch +3
Gaston Beguerie +5


Robert Kofler 0
Svenja Hölty +1
Jonatan Caceres +3
Santiago Marambio +6


Dr. Anne Großmann -1
Lukas Sdrenka +2
Micky Duggan +4
Nico Lopez Fuentes +4

Rhein Polo Club e.V.

Udo Klein-Bölting -1
Maike Hölty +1
Lala Laplacette +4
Caesar Crespo +6

Polo Club Mühlen e.V.

Vanessa Schockemöhle 0
Philipp Sommer +1
Christobal Durrieu +5
Patrick Maleitzke +4

Polo Club Hagen-Grinden e.V.

Gery de Cloedt 0
Christian Badenhop +2
Marcos Riglos +3
Dave Allen +4

Foto: Guadelupe Aizaga

Aug 14, 2024

Obituary for Patrick Guerrand-Hermès

Obituary for Patrick Guerrand-Hermès: A legend of the sport of polo

The international polo community has lost one of its most outstanding personalities. On 13 August 2024, Patrick Guerrand-Hermès passed away in Chantilly, France, at the age of 92. His passion for the sport of polo and his commitment to its development will leave a lasting legacy that extends far beyond the borders of his home country.

Patrick Guerrand-Hermès began to work intensively for the sport of polo as early as the 1970s. His name is inextricably linked with the Polo Club Chantilly, one of the most important polo clubs in Europe, whose development he played a key role in shaping. Thanks to his vision and commitment, Chantilly became a centre of European polo with first-class polo fields and a lively polo community.

However, his influence extended far beyond France. He spent more than 50 years in Morocco, where he also promoted the development of polo. His love for this country led him to found the Polo Club La Palmeraie - an oasis of beauty and elegance that inspired numerous German and international polo players. The club's facilities, renowned for their aesthetic architecture and perfect harmony between horse and rider, reflect his unrivalled sense of aesthetics and perfection.

Patrick Guerrand-Hermès was more than just a supporter of polo. He was a man whose passion for horses and their welfare was deeply rooted. His pursuit of perfection, both in architecture and in the care and training of horses, set standards that will endure for a long time to come.

Not only the German Polo Association mourns the loss of this great patron, but also the entire worldwide polo community. Patrick Guerrand-Hermès leaves a gap that will be difficult to fill.

Our deepest sympathy goes out to his family and friends. The memory of Patrick Guerrand-Hermès will live on in the hearts of all who knew him and in the history of polo.

German Medium Goal Chamption 2024 (Picture: Ines von Frantzius)
Jul 4, 2024

German Medium Goal Championship 2024

46. German Medium Goal Championship Polo Club Gut Rixförde e.V.
June 28th - 30th 2024

German Championship Medium Goal 2024
Rhein Polo Club Düsseldorf e.V.

Lucia Heyes 0
Ryan Robertson +3
Maximilian Bosch +3
Philipp Gesell 0

2. Place
Poloclub Gut Rixförde e.V.

Sabrina Bosch 0
Kutlay Yaprak 0
Lukas Sdrenka +2
Agustin Kronhaus +4

The matches for 3rd place and 5th place could not be played on Sunday due to heavy rainfall.

A total of 6 teams took part in the DM Medium Goal 2024:

Rhein Polo Club e.V.
Dr. Jürgen Schröder 0
Juan Correa +3
Hardy Reuter +1
Moritz Mahns +2

Dr. Anne-Marie Großmann -1
Max Kexel +1
Jesus Bordoni +2
Heinrich Dumrath +4

Poloclub Mühlen e.V.
Arlett Heinemann -1
Philipp Sommer +1
Svenja Hölty +1
Patrick Maleitzke +5

Poloclub Mühlen e.V.
Vanessa Schockemöhle 0
Sebastian Schneberger 0
Franz Spürgin +2
Cristobal Durrieu +4

Foto: Ines von Frantzius

German Youth Champion 2024 (Picture: Baltic Polo Events)
Jun 25, 2024

German Youth Championship 2024

17. German Youth Chmapionship 2024
Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.
June 21st-23rd 2024

German Youth Champion 2024
Polo Club Schleswig-Holstein e.V.

Johanna Volkmann (0)
Christopher Kirsch jun. (-2)
Mario Guillano (0)
Partricio Gaynor jun. (+2)

Norddeutscher Polo Club e.V.

Johannes Schmidt (-2)
Sophie Schmidt (0)
Moritz Schmidt (0)
Moritz Mahns (+2)

3. Place
Polo Club Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

Anna Lena Plickert (-1)
Ascan Tümpel (+1)
Max Kexel (+1)
Nickolas Wiedemann (0)

4. Place
Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.

Lupita Fass (-1)
Jolie Lange (-1)
Leopold Ludorf (+1)
Kamil Platek (0)

Foto: Baltic Polo Events

Jun 9, 2024

German Low Goal Championship 2024

German Low Goal Championship 2024
7 .bis 9. Juni 2024
La Tarde Polo Club e.V. (83607 Holzkirchen)

German Low Goal Champion 2024:
Polo Club Mühlen e.V.

Sebastian Schneeberger
Vanessa Schockemöhle
Dominik Velazquez
Philipp Sommer

**2. Place La Tarde Polo Club e.V. **
Steve Cozma
Emanuel Janisch
Steffi von Pock
Eva Brühl

**3. Place
Polo Club Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
Anna-Lena Plickert
Ascan Tümpel
Daniel Tümpel
Max Kexel

**4. Place
Preuss. Country & Polo Club e.V. **
Dr. Anne-Marie Großmann
Hana Grill
Marie Luise Haupt
Nico Wollenberg

** 5. Platz
La Tarde Polo Club e.V.**
Dieter Betz
Mona Scharf
Lenny Wolf
Ken Kawamoto

** 6. Place
Fürstenberg Polo Club e.V.**
Valentin Ulrich
Christina Strasser
Dr. Alice Boldis
Lucas Ferrari Torres

Foto: La Tarde Polo Club e.V.
German Low Goal Champion 2024:
Dominik Velazquez, Sebastian Schneeberger, Vanessa Schockemöhle, Philipp Sommer

Deutscher Arena Polo Meister 2024: Arlett Heinemann, Patrick Maleitzke, Philipp Sommer
Jun 1, 2024

German Arena Polo Championship 2024

Internationale Deutsche ARENA Polo Meisterschaft
24. bis 26. Mai 2024

Acht internationale Teams spielten an drei Spieltagen in Braunschweig um den Titel "Deutscher ARENA Polo Meister 2024"

Deutscher ARENA Polo Meister 2024
Poloclub Mühlen e.V.

Arlett Heinemann
Philipp Sommer
Patrick Maleitzke

Deutscher Vizemeister Arena Polo 2024
Hamburger Polo Club e.V.

Frank Kirschke
Nico Martin
Agustin Kronhaus

3.Platz Polo Club Mühlen e.V.
Svenja Hölty
Vanessa Schockemöhle
Franz Spürgin

Polo Club Mühlen e.V.

Lucie Lotzkat
Giordano Magini
Pablo van den Brink

Deutsche ARENA Polo Meisterschaft B-Cup
Frankfurter Polo Club e.V.

Uwe Scherer
Henry Grimme
Lukas Sdrenka

2. Platz Polo Club Mühlen e.V.
René Kleinlugtenbelt
Enno Grams
Berty Zalazar

3. Platz
Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.

Emily Hase Loock
Johann Funk Gallardo / Jeanette Diekmann
Christopher Kirsch

4. Platz
Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.

Silvia Nutz
Hector Alvarez
Pato Canelo

Fotocredit: Baltic Polo Events GmbH und Raphael Stajer

European Champions Ladies Polo 2023
Mar 2, 2024

Ladies Polo Handicaps 2024


The German Polo Association is pleased to announce the introduction of Ladies Polo Handicaps from 2024!
Ladies Polo Handicaps, which have long been common practice in other foreign associations, aim to promote equal opportunities and fairness in the sport of polo for women.

To this end, the board of the German Polo Association has set up a Ladies HCP Commission with five members dedicated to the development and implementation of the Ladies Handicaps. This commission is made up of experienced polo players to ensure that the HCPs are fair and have been awarded transparently.

Members of the DPV - Ladies HCP Commission 2024:

  • Svenja Hölty (Chairwoman of the Commission; European Ladies Polo Champion 2023)
  • Eva Brühl (best German player, multiple Ladies European Polo Champion)
  • Steffi von Pock (member of the DPV Executive Committee)
  • Christopher Kirsch (DPV board member and tournament organiser)
  • Dominik Velazquez (DPV board member)

The current Ladies HCPs are available on our website under "Players".

Four Ladies tournaments are already planned for the 2024 season, where the new handicaps will be applied for the first time. These tournaments offer an excellent opportunity for ladies to showcase their skills under the same conditions and establish themselves in the polo community:

July 5th - 7th 2024:
Copa de Oro Feminino

Polo Club Schleswig-Holstein e.V.(Gut Aspern)

July 12th - 14th 2024
International Ladies Cup

Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V. (Seeburg near Berlin)

July 26th - 28th 2024
Ladies Cup

Preußischer Polo & Country Club BB e.V. (Phoeben near Berlin)

August 23 - 25 2024
Ladies Cup

Polo Club Mühlen e.V. (Mühlen)

At the end of the season, the committee will meet to review the Ladies Handicaps and adjust them if necessary. This process ensures continuous improvement and adaptation to the needs and developments of the sport.

Also at the end of the 2024 season, Arena HCPs will be set for all active players, which will be applied from 2025 onwards.

The German Polo Association would like to continue to promote growth and diversity in the sport of polo and is looking forward to an exciting and successful 2024 season.

Picture: FIP POLO Europameisterschaft 2023
TEAM Germany: Clarissa Marggraf, Marie Haupt, Eva Brühl, Svenja Hölty

Nov 6, 2023

German Polo Championships 2024


24.bis 26. Mai 2024
7. Internationale Deutsche Arena Polo Meisterschaft
Braunschweig (Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.)

07.bis 09. Juni 2024
49. Nationale Deutsche Meisterschaft Low Goal
Team HCP -2 bis +2
Holzkirchen (La Tarde Polo Club e.V.)

21.bis 23. Juni 2024
17. Internationale Deutsche Jugend Polo Meisterschaft
Team HCP -6 bis 0
Seeburg(Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.)

28.Juni bis 30. Juni 2024
46. Internationale Deutsche Medium Meisterschaft
Team HCP +2 bis +6
Hambühren (Poloclub Gut Rixförde e.V.)

23.bis 25. August 2024 und
30. August bis 1. September 2024
52. Internationale Deutsche High Goal Meisterschaft
Team HCP +8 bis +12
Phoeben (PPCCBB e.V.)

4.bis 6. Oktober 2024
8. Internationale Deutsche Beach Polo Meisterschaft
Sellin auf Rügen (Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.)

Foto: Pokal DM Low Goal
Fotocredit: POLO SYLT

Sep 10, 2023



September 1st-10th 2023
Polo Club Düsseldorf e.V.


Joaquin Castellvi
Manuel Lopez
Luis Domecq
Mario Gomez

2. Place

Tarlan Gurbanaliyev
Elchin Jamalli
Joaquin Copello
Andres Fernandez Llorente

3. Place

Paul Grabosch
Anton Grabosch
Emil Grabosch / Michl Grabosch
Ken Kawamoto

4. Place

Walter Scherb
Diego Braun
Martin Bleier
Jakob von Plessen

5. Place

Stefano Giansanti
Giordano Magini
Goffredo Cutinelli Rendina
Edoardo Ferrari

6. Place

Sally Turner
Fred Thame
Hector Worsley
David Ashby

7. Place

Broudewijn Brouns
Alexander van Andel
Robert Watson
Milan Venkata Raman

8. Place

Luca Meier
Fabio Meier
Tito Gaudenzi
Juan Soldati

Picture: Polo Club Düsseldorf

Sep 3, 2023

German Youth Championship

German Youth Championship 2023
1.bis 3. September 2023
Polo Club Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

German Youth Champion 2023:
Polo Club Schleswig-Holstein e.V.

Christopher Kirsch jun. (-2)
Leopold Ludorf (1)
Hardy Reuter (1)
Patricio Gaynor jun. (1)

Polo Club Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

Anne-Lena Plickert (-2)
Ascan Tümpel (-1)
Nickolas Wiedelmann (-1)
Max Kexel (+1)

3. Place
Polo Club Hamburg e.V.

Ida Gaatz/Maxine Odia (-2)
Fabian Stege (0)
Finley Bright (1)
Moritz Schmidt (0)

4. Place
Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.

Jolie Lange (-1)
Moritz Mahns (+1)
Milo Funk-Gallardo (0)
Sophie Schmidt (0)

5. Place
Polo & Country Club Schwarzwald e.V.

Gaspar Caivano (-2)
Marta Gabrin (-2)
Nicolas Eckenstein (-1)
Laurenz Gabrin (+1)

Foto: Valeria Cetraro

Aug 27, 2023

German High Goal Championship 2023


August 18th to 27th 2023
Preußischer Polo-& Country Club Berlin Brandenburg e.V

Leon De Cloedt +1
Bautista Riglos +5
Max Bosch +3
Moritz Gädeke +3

2. Place
Fabian Stege 0
Nico Wollenberg +1
Horacio Fernandèz Llorente +6
Gaston María Begueri +5

3./4. Place
Luca Meyer +1
Fabio Meyer +1
Adrian Laplacette Jr. +6
Fabian Bolanterio +4

3./4. Place
Robert Kofler 0
Bautista Fanelli +3
Santiago Cruz Marambio +6
Segundo Copello +3

5. Place
Daniel Crasemann 0
Caesar Crasemann +4
Caspar Crasemann +4
Heinrich Dumrath +4

6. Place
Kutlay Yaprak 0
Lukas Sdrenka +2
Valentin Novillo Astrada +6
Micky Duggan +4

7. Place
Sebastian Schneberger 0
Giordano Magini +2
Patrick Maleitzke +5
António Menard +5

8. Place
Vanessa Schockemöhle 0
Dorean Bulteau +4
Tomás Ruiz Guinazu +5
Christopher Kirsch +3

Picture: Gary Shea / Clickpolo

Team Germany, European Ladies Polo Champion 2023
Jul 10, 2023

Team Germany European Ladies Polo Champion 2023


IV. FIP European Ladies Polo Championship
July 5th - 9th 2023
Punta Ala Polo Club, Italien

European Champion Ladies Polo 2023 :

Clarissa Marggraf
Marie Haupt
Eva Brühl
Svenja Hölty
Substitute: Maike Hölty

2. Platz:

Lavinia Elser
Alice Coria
Camila Rossi
Maltena Marré

3. Platz:

Lucie Venot
Pearl Venot
Margaux Perruchot
Ambra Ploix

4. Platz:

Kristina White
Beanie Bradley
Rosanna Turk
Rebecca Walters

Jul 3, 2023

German Medium Goal Championship 2023


45.Internationale Deutsche Medium Goal Meisterschaft
30. Juni bis 2. Juli 2023
Rhein Polo Club Düsseldorf e.V. (Willich)

Deutsche Meister Medium Goal 2023
Rhein Polo Club Düsseldorf e.V.

Dr. Jürgen Schröder 0
Moritz Mahns +1
Franz Spürgin +2
Juan Correa +3


Patrick Maass 0
Kutlay Yaprak 0
Max Bosch +3
Moritz Gädecke +3

Platz 3
Rhein Polo Club Düsseldorf e.V.

Udo Klein-Boelting -1
Christian Badenhop +2
Alexander Piltz +1
Lala Laplacette +4

Platz 4
Polo Club Mühlen e.V.

Daniel Deistler 0
Vanessa Schockemöhle 0
Dominique Velazquez +1
Patrick Maleitzke +5

Platz 5
Rhein Polo Club Düsseldorf e.V.

Lucia Heyes +1
Max Kexel +1
Philipp Gesell 0
Nicolas Lopez Fuentes +4

Platz 6
Rhein Polo Club Düsseldorf e.V.

Peter Cromm -1
Leopold Ludorf +1
Christopher Kirsch +3
Agustin Wagner +3

Foto: Rhein Polo Club Düsseldorf/Joss Wehrmann

Deutsche Meister Low Goal Polo 2023
Jun 22, 2023

German Low Goal Championship 2023


Deutsche Low Goal Polo Meisterschaft 2023
16. bis 18. Juni 2023
Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.

Deutsche Meister Low Goal 2023

Clarissa Marggraf 0
Maike Hölty HCP 0
Svenja Hölty HCP 1
Marie Haupt HCP 0

Polo Club Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

Ascan Tümpel HCP -1
Nico Wollenberg HCP +1
Daniel Tümpel HCP +1
Max Kexel HCP +1

Platz 3
Rhein Polo Club Düsseldorf e.V.

Anne Grossmann HCP -1
Philippa Luserke HCP 0
Lukas Sdrenka HCP +2
Alexander Piltz HCP +1

Platz 4
Rhein Polo Club Düsseldorf e.V.

Mona Scharf HCP 0
Ken Kawamoto HCP 0
Daniel Hauss HCP +2
Rainer Raimann HCP 0

Platz 5
Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.

Emily Hase-Loock HCP -1
Johann Funk-Gallardo +2
Josef Fiebig HCP 0
Moritz Mahns HCP +1

Platz 6
Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.

Torsten Klein HCP -2
Jeanette Diekmann HCP 0
Comanche Gallardo HCP +2
Thomas Strunck HCP 0

Foto: Baltic Polo Events

Jan 3, 2023

Deutsche Meisterschaften 2023


Termine und Austragungsorte (Ausrichter) der Deutschen Meisterschaften 2023

19.bis 21. Mai 2023
6. Internationale Deutsche Arena Polo Meisterschaft
Braunschweig (Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.)

16.bis 18. Juni 2023
48. Nationale Deutsche Meisterschaft Low Goal
Dallgow-Döberitz (Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.)

30.Juni bis 2. Juli 2023
45. Internationale Deutsche Medium Meisterschaft
Willich (Rhein Polo Club Düsseldorf e.V.)

18.bis 20. August 2023 und
25.bis 27. August 2023
51. Internationale Deutsche High Goal Meisterschaft
Phoeben und Berlin (PPCCBB e.V.)

22.bis 24. September 2023
16. Internationale Deutsche Jugend Polo Meisterschaft
Finkenkrug (Polo Club Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.)

29.September bis 2. Oktober 2023
7. Internationale Deutsche Beach Polo Meisterschaft
Sellin auf Rügen (Polo Club PoloPark Brandenburg e.V.)

Foto: Pokal Deutsche Jugendmeisterschaft
Fotocredit: Polo Sylt

Oct 30, 2020

In memory of Hans Albrecht Freiherr von Maltzahn

Photo: Hans Albrecht Freiherr von Maltzahn together with Oliver Winter, his successor as DPV President

Photocredit: Bernhard Willroth. Text written by: Bernhard Willroth.

Hans Albrecht Freiherr von Maltzahn, Honorary President of the German Polo Association (DPV) and Ambassador of the Federation of International Polo (FIP), died on October 12, 2020 at the age of 85.

With Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn, Polo loses one of its great personalities, a sportsman and a true gentleman who has shaped the sport and influenced many of his teammates with his commitment and passion. Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn was born on November 1st, 1934 in Pinnow, a small village between Berlin and the Baltic Sea, where he developed his passion and understanding horses from an early age.

At the end of World War II, the family von Maltzahn was forced to leave the family estate in Mecklenburg. Later in the mid-1950s his professional career took him to Guatemala where Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn discovered Polo. He was in his early twenties and as he was very talented Polo quickly became his passion and the sport would become an essential part of his life. During the years in Central America, Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn developed into an exceptional player. He made many long lasting friendships and contacts in the world of Polo in that time. And his natural talent for bringing people together should shape his future career in Polo.

After his return to Germany Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn helped to develop the modern Polo in Germany

After returning to Germany in 1960, von Maltzahn joined the Hamburg Polo Club. Polo was a developing sport in his home country then and many of the modern structures had not yet been developed. The British military that was still present in West Germany in those years had a great influence on the German Polo Clubs and together many matches were played and social events were held. It was in those days that von Maltzahn understood that the German Polo needed to be modernized to keep up with the competition. Convinced that with better horses Polo would become more competitive Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn decided to buy his first horses from Argentina. This was revolutionary at the time but soon other players followed him and started importing young Polo Ponies.

During the following years von Maltzahn became an outstanding player of his time and eventually was given the first 4 goal handicap in Germany. He and his team successfully participated in several big tournaments. They not only played all over Germany but in Windsor as well as Paris, Barcelona and Sotogrande, Teheran and Buenos Aires of course. Through these international events von Maltzahn again came in contact with many different people in Polo and he always kept an eye on the latest developments. He represented the German Polo community and made many friends along the way.

In addition to playing Polo Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn also became involved in the general organization of German Polo. His now global network of like-minded Polo enthusiasts and his reputation as an outstanding player allowed him to exchange his ideas and to push innovations.

From founding member to President of the German Polo Association DPV

In the early 1970s a group of German Polo players followed the idea of founding a German Polo Asociation, and von Maltzahn was one of them. The intention behind this was to further develop Polo to a professional level, expand the sport and promote it. Equestrian sports had always been popular in Germany and the upcoming 1972 Olympic Games in Munich were a perfect opportunity to present German Polo to a wider audience. The first preliminary registration of a German Polo Association was made in 1971 and after the death of Robert Miles Reincke, who had been the chairman and a friend from the Hamburg Polo Club, von Maltzahn followed in this position.

In those early days of the DPV the team along Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn began developing new ideas and a concept that still today gives Polo in Germany its basic structure. Annually held national championships were established. Until today these tournaments are a great incentive for international teams to visit Germany and play there. The association also early on claimed to define the official Polo rules for all Polo played in Germany by adopting the Hurlingham rule book and established formal rules for the pony welfare.

With the formal formation of the German Polo Association in 1977 Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn was elected first president by the members and three years later he was confirmed for a second term running until 1983. Under his presidency more structures were created shaping modern Polo in Germany, newly emerging Polo clubs were supported and contacts were established to further link the DPV with the world of Polo.

Since his professional life outside Polo offered him new opportunities von Maltzahn gradually withdrew from actively playing Polo in the early 1980s. He focused on his voluntary work for the Polo Association and continued to play a key role in shaping German Polo during these years. In 1983 he chose to resign from his position on the board of the DPV and ended his engagement altogether. However, these very successful 30 years in Polo should be only the first chapter.

The return to the Gut Pinnow estate and a new start

With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany in 1990, Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn and his family were presented with the historic opportunity to return to his families' estate „Gut Pinnow“ located between Berlin and the Baltic Sea. This new episode in his personal life began in the mid-1990s, when the family took the chance and returned. Together with his wife Cornelia von Maltzahn he devoted himself to rebuilding the family estate into a modern agricultural enterprise. In 1998, at the age of 64 and some 18 years after he had stopped playing, his two nephews managed to persuade him to a return to Polo. They both needed an additional player for a small tournament and what was intended to be a one-off quickly turned into von Maltzahns second career in Polo. All it took now was a new helmet, given to him by his wife Cornelia, and a new set of Polo ponies. He found them in Argentina, just like the first time when he started in Hamburg in 1960. The family estate soon became a popular place for friends and Polo enthusiasts. A Polo field was built next to the manor and regular tournaments made the newly founded Mecklenburg Polo Club Pinnow widely known in Germany.

In 2002 Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn was re-elected President of the German Polo Association, 30 years after the DPV was founded under his administration. Again he successfully worked for the development of the sport and the German Polo community, managed the DPV and tied Germany closer to the international Polo cummunity. As a representative of the German Polo Association he regularly participated in international FIP meetings. There he was highly regarded for his commitment and services to the sport.

In 2005, von Maltzahn was appointed Ambassador by the Federation of International Polo for his passionate work for Polo and his sporting career. This great honor underlines the significant contribution he has made to the international Polo community. In the following years he returned to playing international tournaments, he took part in the Ambassador Cup events and introduced young German Polo talents to the international stage. Moritz Gaedeke was among those talents, a player who later became a member of the German National Polo Team and today is successfully playing and organizing the biggest Polo tournament in Germany. As President of the DPV Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn had successfully contributed to the reopening of the historic Maifeld Polo ground in Berlin from 2010. And he also supported the German application to hosting to the 2016 FIP European Polo Championships on the Maifeld.

His life after Polo and on the Gut Pinnow estate

In 2013, at the age of 79, Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn retired from the board of the German Polo Association. He had been President of the DPV for another eleven years during which the association had grown continuously. Polo was played in over 30 German Clubs, the promotion of dedicated Youth programs was showing to be very successful, horsemanship and animal welfare had become integral elements of the sport. During the years of his presidency and due to the growing number of supporters by his side, Polo in Germany had developed into a well-known and popular sport with record numbers of active players and regular guests from many different countries. In recognition of his outstanding achievements for the sport, the German Polo Association appointed Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn honorary president. With this the DPV paid tribute to the more than five decades of passionate commitment to Polo both as a very successful player and as President.

After leaving office in 2013 von Maltzahn dedicated his life to his family and his now very successfully established Gut Pinnow estate. As a guest at various tournaments, especially on the Berlin Maifeld, he was a highly respected and much welcomed guest. His experiences and his advice were very much appreciated and he still was very much interested in the latest news and developments around Polo.

Hans Albrecht Freiherr von Maltzahn died on October 12, 2020 at the age of 85 in his estate in Pinnow. Polo has lost a great sportsman, a role model and a friend. The board of the German Polo Association and all members, his companions and friends whom he inspired, encouraged and supported bid farewell to a true gentleman and an oustanding sportsman.

Oct 15, 2020

Ehrenpräsident Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn verstorben

Uns hat heute die traurige Nachricht erreicht, dass unser Ehrenpräsident Hans Albrecht von Maltzahn kurz vor Vollendung seines 86. Lebensjahres verstorben ist.

Hans Albrecht war Gründungsmitglied des Deutschen Polo Verbands und viele Jahre Präsident des Verbands. Bereits in den 1960er Jahren war er als Polospieler in Hamburg aktiv und über viele Jahre der am höchsten gehandicapte deutsche Spieler. Nach einer langjährigen Pause ist Hans Albrecht mit 64 Jahren wieder in den Sport eingestiegen und seiner Leidenschaft für den Polosport bis ins hohe Alter als aktiver Spieler treu geblieben.

Der Deutsche Polo Verband und seine Mitglieder werden Hans Albrecht als Pionier des Polosports in Deutschland stets in guter Erinnerung behalten.
Oliver Winter, Steffi von Pock, Wolfgang Gabrin
DPV Präsidium

Foto: polo+10/DPV Jubiläumsbuch

Feb 2, 2020

Polo season 2020 is getting closer

Hooray! January is over! The 2020 polo season is getting closer. All tournament dates 2020 and the current handicap list are on our website. Postponements, cancellations, new appointments: everything up-to-date and online

Jan 14, 2020

DPV Yearbook (2016-2019)

The print order for the current DPV yearbook (2016-2019) has been placed. All DPV members receive the book with a review of the last 4 polo years in Germany and a preview for the 2020 season in the last week of February. The right mood for the 2020 season!

Dec 20, 2019

Letter from the Presidium

Dec 1, 2019

German championship venue

The venue for the German Championship Medium Goal 2020 has been determined: Polo Club Hagen-Grinden e.V. (June 26 to 28, 2020)

Nov 26, 2019

Harald Link - DPV Ambassador

The board of the DPV decided at the meeting in early November 2019 to appoint Harald Link as Ambassador. For his many years of generous support for youth work in the German Polo Association, he was presented with a certificate by DPV President Oliver Winter on behalf of the polo association. Harald Link is the owner of the Thai Polo & Equestrian Club in Pattaya

Nov 1, 2019

New HCP list online

The new HCP list is online. We congratulate the players on their new handicaps. Valid from 1.1.2020. Caution !! THE LIST IS NOT COMPLETE!! Only names and HCPs of players who have approved the publication will be published.